A podcast interview of Professor Robin Boyle dropped for the program, “History Behind News Program, Investigative History with Scholars.”
The host, Adel Aali, Esq., interviewed Professor Boyle about her chapter: “The Times They are a Changin’”: Lessons Imparted from the 1960s Civil Rights Movement and the Current-Day Climate Movement, in Generational Politics in the United States: From the Silents to Gen Z and Beyond (Univ. Mich. Press, Sally Friedman & David Schultz eds., 2024).
Professor Boyle’s chapter compares the climate movement with the civil rights movement and focuses on the need for current-day movements to build coalitions and networks. She also discusses in the chapter and in the podcast generational differences and the use of social media as a tool that is both highly powerful, yet fraught with drawbacks. The interview can be found on What’s Missing in our Political Movements Now, Apple, Spotify (dropped Dec. 6, 2024).
Previously, Professor Boyle was interviewed about the chapter for a podcast that dropped last January – Legal Tenzer: Casual Conversations on Newsworthy Legal Topics, Generational Comparisons: Civil Rights Movement and Current Day Climate Movement, West Academic (dropped January 24, 2023).